Day Thirty One!

It's the end of the first month and I'm really excited about all the places this project has taken me so far. I've decided to make monthly mixes so I'll get onto that in the next couple of days and post a January piece soon. Thanks to everyone who's contributed, listened, read, shared or given me feedback so far. I'm still really keen to include samples or re-mixes or receive any kind of feedback (written, recorded, visual etc).

All the tracks can be downloaded or re-visted at Soundcloud, or via the blog archive.

I was going to pour out the water from yesterdays recording and the ramekin bouncing off the big bowl sounded so cool that I decided to leave it and record it today. The little bowl bobs about in the water and touches the sides and bottom of the big one, changing pitch slightly as the water moves around. Little marble makes it in there again, too...


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